Keeping Shabbat will bring the Geulah, says Rav Biderman. The promise that if the Jewish people keep two Shabbatot, the Geula will come has another meaning. He says: If one keeps these two Shabbatot, the last two of the year, correctly, he will be Zoche to his private Geulah and Yeshuah.
More important than any Mitzvah, says Rav Gladstein, is doing it B'Simcha. He says the Ari Hakadosh credits all his Kablistic strength to doing Mitzvot B'Simcha. He adds that not only if one does a Mitzvah without Simcha is he not rewarded he Chas V'Shalom, as we learn in the Parsha, will be Chayav all the curses for not serving H'shem with Simcha.
"Tachat asher lo avadata et H'shem b'simcha...."
Rav Rosenblum, quoting Rav Levinshtien's profound wisdom, emphasizes the monumental significance of the year's closing Shabbatot. These are not mere days of rest but powerful conduits for teshuvah and spiritual elevation.
Chazal's teaching rings eternal: Shabbat embodies the entirety of the Torah. Its proper observance is tantamount to fulfilling all of H'shem's commandments. In these final weeks, we're granted an extraordinary opportunity – to rectify an entire year's worth of Shabbatot through the meticulous observance of these two.
What to focus on during these two Shabatot:
1. Add to Shabbat:
Take in Shabbat early and end it later than the time on the calendar.
2. Divrey Torah:
Learn two Halachot of Shabbat during each meal, uplifting your Shabbat table to a true Mishchan.
3. Shmirat Halashon:
Try to refocus all conversations to Kedusah and away from Chol
4. At all costs, do not get angry.
Whenever you want to react or get upset, just smile and remember that H'shem is with you, and you are going to win this together. If you can't do it for you do it for Him.
5. Prayer:
However, you pray on Shabbat and say Tehilliim, do it with more Kavana and add do it as much as you can
6. Oneg
Make sure you be Mikadesh Shabbat with beautiful clothing, a set Shabbat table, and L'Kavod Shabbat food and sweets.
7. Shabbat Prep
It is well known that the energy you have when you are cooking is what you infuse into your food and what you feed those you are cooking for. Make sure you have thoughts of love for Torah, Tefilah, Simcha, Geulah, and Yeshua. If you are annoyed, take a break, change your mood, and jump back in.
The Ripple Effect of Your Actions
Every effort to sanctify these two Shabbatots reverberates far beyond yourself. It uplifts your family and strengthens the entire Jewish nation. These two Shabbatot hold the potential to usher in the complete redemption, may it come speedily in our days.
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