Rav Jonathan Sacks z"l said that we as a people must take responsibility for our actions and the reactions they cause.
While it is correct to say that everything is from H'shem, as humans, we have to look at the damage we have caused and the repercussions we suffer because of them. H'shem made a perfect world; as stated in Bereshit seven times, it is "human's free choice" to obstruct that perfection and suffer the consequences. We have the choice to see the beauty of H'shem's world and choose to make it more beautiful or misuse it and bring pain upon ourselves. H'shem loves us and is waiting for us to return to Him. He wants us to see the beauty in each other and that we each have something to contribute to his nation.
When we are truly happy for someone else's success and fortune, we show H'shem how much we want Him to be happy. Conversely, if we are jealous and question why they deserve it, we show H'shem that His rejoicing in His other children's happiness is unimportant to us. H'shem loves us all and has enough to overflow our lives with success, joy, wealth, health, and nachas. Therefore, show Him that His happiness is your happiness by truly loving His other children and wishing them the best so that we can all rejoice together in the Geula Shelama Bimiahra Biyamenu. Amen.
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