Many Americans are familiar with the saying, "No good deed ever goes unpunished." Although our faith teaches us this statement is untrue, many have felt its sting. At some point, we've all tried to do good only to face some form of retribution. Has this experience made you hesitate before extending yourself again?
In today's two Middos, H'shem reminds us that while humans are flawed, He is not. Therefore, the quote should be: "There is never a good deed that goes unnoticed (by GD), its merits kept for when one needs them most."
Middot numbers 8 and 9:
Emet - Rashi explains this Middah as Hashem rewarding those who serve Him.
Notzer Chesed L'Alafim - Hashem preserves the merit of one generation to repay to the next generation (Zechut Avot), says Sforno.
Communication - We've all falsely accused others and been wrongly accused ourselves. Let's commit to approaching every situation with calm and control, so we're not the reason someone decides to stop doing good deeds.
Self-Improvement - The feeling that no one cares what we do and "who remembers anyway" is utterly foreign to how H'shem runs the world. Rav Yigal Cohen quotes Rebbe Nachman, who says: How we treat someone in a situation is how H'shem will respond to us in similar circumstances. When doing a good deed, only He needs to see and know. He's in charge of our happiness and reward. If we feel unappreciated, don't fret; H'shem never lets any reward go uncompensated.
Emunah, Bitachon, and Kavanah: Living with Emunah and Bitachon means understanding how the world works. In my life, whenever I want something, get nervous, or believe a situation must go a certain way, I lift my hands and say, "H'shem, I want what You want." The revelation isn't always immediate, but there's NEVER been a situation where this practice hasn't shown me the perfection of His skill, even in the most heart-stopping moments. Try it; you won't be disappointed.
Incorporate this request in your Tefillah: "Hashem, I feel X is good for me and what I want. However, I really want what You want. I trust You! Please let me see the salvation quickly."
You've just reinforced the fact that H'shem runs the world! Rav Fanger teaches that a Tefillah for a spiritual request will never be rejected.
The 13 attributes are beautifully and concisely translated by NCSY Education here:
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